


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Once the pumpkins start popping up in stores and the garden, it’s time to go code orange! From moss-covered graves, jack-o-lanterns, bats, gothic windows, and pumpkins, I make sure I am capturing spooky season!

This is when I can really dive deep into experimenting with designs I’ve been dreaming up since last Fall! I wonder what will come up next!


Some Halloween facts to give you some goosebumps-

  • The first Jack-o-lanterns were made out of turnips and were left out at night on Halloween to ward off evil.

  • The word “witch” comes from the Old English wicce, meaning “wise woman” and were highly respected people.

  • Samhain (saah-ween) is the original name for Halloween. It is the Witches’ New Year and marks the sabbat of summer’s end, the last harvest, before winter takes over and the festival of the dead.

  • Samhain is the time when the veil between the land of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. When you go out at night on Hallows’ Eve you never know if the people you see are ghosts!

  • Trick-or-treating was evolved from an ancient Celtic tradition of leaving food out for passing spirits who roamed the streets during Samhain. Which evolved into children going door to door asking for a treat in exchange for a prayer for a deceased loved one.

  • Trick-or-treating in America for candy did not become a popular until the 1950s with the candy industry.

  • Dressing up as demons or other spooks originated from disguising yourself from the real demons during Samhain night.

  • Pumpkins are classified as a fruit.