Antlers of North America


January 2020

Honestly, I don’t know how I was able to paint that many mugs in a few weeks. Ambition, I guess.

I came up with this idea from painting reindeer/caribou and whitetail deer the month before during the holidays. I wanted to expand my repertoire and knowledge of deer. I painted every native antler of North America I could find. Whitetail, Coues, blacktail, mule, Sitka, Roosevelt elk, rocky mountain elk, tule elk, Alaska Yukon moose, woodland caribou, Peary caribou, porcupine caribou, Canada moose, and Shiras moose. I couldn’t resist throwing in a couple fawns.

All of the mugs are decorated with carved pine trees, and some have antler handles.

This was my first bisqueware mug stack photo! Which I’ve taken a photo like this of every painted collection since!


Deer facts-