

-reptile or amphibian.

May -June 2022

I’ve always loved frogs! My childhood backyard was ‘moist’ which meant frogs everywhere! Guess which gremlin was out there catching the sweet soles? ME! From accidentally murdering a bucket of frogs in a bucket left in the sun, to having large toad drop a duce on her chest, I will forever love the little critters! Tree frogs also love to hop on me for a ride. Did I cry the last time I ran over a frog while driving? Yes, I did.

Any who, this collection was inspired by my many experiences of frogs, toads, turtles, and tortoises. Growing up I had two painted turtles as pets. I decided to give them to a family that had a pond, so I hope they are still living their best life rather than being in a tank! In college, I helped care for a small box turtle. We all thought it was a tortoise! Nowadays, to see turtles I walk down the Eerie Canal tow path. My husband and I love to count how many turtles we can see sunbathing on logs. I get so excited when I see them! We always get out of our car to help them across the road.

This collection was 2 in 1! 24 painted animals, a handful of carved, turtle shells, pond, and tadpole mugs. The painted mugs are decorated with leaf, cacti, and lily pad carvings. The main painted animals were detailed with clear glaze to give the effect of water droplets. I am still surprised I pulled off so much work in 2 months!

My favorite frog mug was raffled to make a donation to Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Together we raised $370.


Facts about frogs/turtles/tortoise-

  • Frogs don’t need to drink water because they absorb it through their skin.

  • The poison dart frog urinates on their laid eggs to keep them moist.

  • If food is sparce a female will lay unfertilized eggs to eat.

  • Frogs are great indicators of a health ecosystem.

  • When a frog swallows’ food it collapses their eyes into their mouth to push the food down their throat.

  • When the female lays her eggs, the male will fertilize the eggs on their way out.

  • One gram of poison dart frog poison can kill 100,000 people but are only poisonous in the wild.

  • A frog sheds it’s skin once a week and usually eat the dead skin.

  • Male frogs have flexible membrane vocal cords for calling during mating season. Most females do not call.

  • All toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads.

  • All tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoise.

  • Turtles are some of the oldest animals living up to 150 years.

  • Turtle’s shell is not exoskeleton. The shell is modified rib cage.

  • In some species, turtle’s sex is determined by the temperature. Lower temps lead to males while higher temps lead to females.

  • Turtles can hold their breath for more than 30 mins. Sea turtles can hold their breath for hours but can still drown! They must come up for air, so when they are stuck in fishing nets they’ll drown if they can’t make it to the surface.

  • Turtles can swim while tortoise are exclusively land animals.

  • Turtles have no ears but sense vibrations.

  • Baby turtles can send signals to each other before their hatch to synchronize their hatch together.

  • Turtles cry to expel extra salt from their body and to clean their eyes.

  • Turtles can breathe through their butt holes. The cloaca is a combination of their anus and gills.